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For members of the Local Government Pension Scheme in England and Wales

What death grant is paid if I am receiving my pension from the LGPS?

This news article was published on 30 Nov 2021

If you left after 31 March 2008 and you die within 10 years of receiving your pension, provided you are under age 75, the death grant payable is 10 times the amount of your pension before you gave up any pension for lump sum (if applicable), less the pension and lump sum that has been paid to you. There is a slight difference to the calculation for any part of your pension that relates to membership before 1 April 2014.

If you are also an active member when you die, the death grant payable is the higher of the amount calculated as above, or three times your Assumed Pensionable Pay in your active employment.

If you left before 1 April 2008 and you die within five years of receiving your pension, provided you are under age 75, the death grant payable is five times the amount of your pension, less the pension already paid to you.

If you left before 1 April 1998 – the calculation is more complex. You can ask your local pension fund for an estimate of the amount that may be payable.

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